
Viewing saved passwords in chrome
Viewing saved passwords in chrome

viewing saved passwords in chrome

On the other hand, users don’t follow perfect security practices in the real world: If your browser was already logged into an account on a website, the attacker could gain access to your account on that website if they have access to your browser.Users wouldn’t want to have to enter a master password before using their saved passwords. A master password is an additional security method that would inconvenience average users, who would opt to disable it anyway.A master password in Chrome would provide a false sense of security. If an attacker has physical access to your computer or a malicious program is running in the background, it could log your key strokes and gain any “master password” used to secure your passwords in Firefox or a dedicated password manager like LastPass.Assuming you use a strong Windows password and lock your computer when you aren’t using it, you’re theoretically secure. If an attacker changes your Windows account password, your passwords become inaccessible. If you’re not logged in, your passwords are inaccessible. Chrome and Internet Explorer both secure your saved passwords with your Windows user account password.

Viewing saved passwords in chrome